About the Game


  • Player One movement: "W" and "S" controls the left paddle

  • First to score five points wins


  • Ball gradually accelerates as it collides with the players paddle.

  • Ball gradually turns red and grows flames once it picks up enough speed.

  • Ball will first be given to player, then to the opponent that lost the point.

  • Ball will never start at straight angles to paddles, the balls angle will start with a sharp angle towards the players, providing more interesting engagement to players.

  • Screen shakes on collision to leave an immersive impact on player.

  • Screen shake gets more intense when the ball picks up speed and grows flames as a cause.

  • Ball emits a small particle response for visual impact.

  • Ability to reset the game.

  • Pause menu and game over menu available.

  • Player two is controlled by an AI!

Future features to implement

Have the ball that is received by paddle a little more interesting

  • Create curves onto the ball, where a player can curve a ball to more aggressive angles instead of linear, based on speed and direction the paddle is moving at impact.

  • Create either, holding a button to charge paddle for a stronger receive, the player must time the release of the charge at impact with the ball. This would further accelerate the ball then usual. (visual would be gradual colour change to paddle, then a shine or a blink its charged all the way).

  • Or vanilla, time pressing a key at ball impact will idea 1: randomize ball direction going to opponent, or idea 2: give a extra minimal ball acceleration.

  • Have the top and bottom of the paddle redirect the ball in bounds for game longevity.

  • Better blended visuals for more engagement.

  • Possibly smaller arena where paddles are closer together.

Start Game

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